In supervision today the topic kept coming up: How do you go about your day when people are suffering around you? And how do you…
New year, same you? That’s great, because you’re pretty awesome! We’ve barely tiptoed into a brand new year and 2025 is already throwing curveballs. It’s…
I have some questions for the dietitian speakers. No show of hands, no one else will ever know. Do you ever get tired of following…
Winter holiday season used to be a quiet zone for speaking engagements. But times have changed, and I have seven speaking engagements in the next…
Loneliness is my kryptonite. I ache when I see a lonely person (or someone I’m projecting is lonely). And even when we talk with people…
I have good news and great news if you love free CEUs (and who doesn’t??) The GOOD news is that starting tomorrow, this fall is…
I didn’t plan it this way, but it’s working out perfectly – all the momentum from having a fabulous first Dietitian Speakers Make More Money…
I’d pay good money to never get another automatic update. They seem to always jam the system, like the one that made a mess of…
You’ve got uninvited guests, and they’re watching you eat! The people you live with, the people who raised you, the middle school mean girl,…
It’s been a while since I shared an episode of Why I Will Never Not Have This Sign. Today we have the second episode in…